Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ethics and Professional Code of Conduct Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics and Professional Code of Conduct - Essay Example Integrity ensures that such persons respect the citizens’ constitutional rights, liberty and adhere to the values of justice and fairness in their duties to the citizens (Gaines & Kappeler, 2011, p 345). In this case, the professional is capable of ensuring fairness in his or her duties and refraining from unjust use of authority. Secondly, ethics and integrity ensures that police chief exercises reasonable courtesy while interacting with the public. In this case, the police chief or county sheriff is able to refrain from mocking, embarrassing, ridiculing or humiliating subordinates or fellow officers in order to incite them to violence. Thirdly, ethics and integrity will enable such professionals to observe confidentiality of information that is available to them in their capacity as senior law enforcement officers (Gaines & Kappeler , p 343). The officers should not willfully violate any legal restrictions that restrict the dissemination of the private information and should not disclose information that may endanger the life of a complaint or victim to a crime. There is a clear difference between ethics, morality and law as pertains to the duties of law enforcement officers. Ethics are external standards that are set by the law enforcement profession and are regarded as the social system or framework that should offer the acceptable behavior in the execution of duties of the law enforcement officer (Hess & Orthmann, 2011, p189). Morality refers to the law enforcement officer’s own principles regarding what is right or wrong. Morality is internal as it reflects the habits, beliefs, culture, and religion of an individual while ethics are external since they are set by the profession. Morality is guided by the existing cultural norms while the ethics are guided by the legal and professional guidelines. Dutelle (2011) asserts that the morals are

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